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Cumulative Feedback
Feedback Score:148097Recent Ratings:Past MonthPast 6 MonthsPast 12 Months
Positive Feedback %:100 %Positive Feedbacks:17023723327
Total Positive Feedbacks:148325Neutral Feedbacks:056
Total Negative Feedbacks:228Negative Feedbacks:012

Member Since:November 7, 2007

Feedback Details
rater auction title and id # rating date of rating
sudbury12000 (buyer) 9723798 GB Offices Nice Mint/Used HICV LOOK! - 9723798 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - Great Service and Delivery!! 
larrdunh (buyer) 9739351 ROMANIA..36 .COVERS...FVF LOT GCV - 9739351 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9740389 SWEDEN MINT BOOKLETS LOT NH . - 9740389 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9736249 GB colonies Sovrano Militare Ordine Di Malta nice sheets 20 - 9736249 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9741511 Yemen Churchill imperf and perf selection - 9741511 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9741027 Burundi nicesheets NH 411-417 - 9741027 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9741028 Burundi nice selection some nice sheets NH - 9741028 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9741031 Burundi nice sheets perf and imperf 463C, C202C NH - 9741031 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9741033 Burundi sc 499, C240 perf and imperf NH - 9741033 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9743677 Europe Scarce NH LOT Fresh! Sheets - 9743677 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
larrdunh (buyer) 9740515 Haiti nice sheet CB54(25) surcharge 25 cat. value 2010 (8$ - 9740515 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - As advertised with fast shipping, thanks 
olhodeboi (buyer) 9743706 Brazil Scarce NH Sheets - 9743706 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - perfect transaction. Thanks 
bjslark (buyer) 9721526 France Sc C29-32 VFNH Set CV 324$ - 9721526 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - Listed as VFNH -- but were actually Mint HINGED!! Sent back faulty listed item. 
bjslark (buyer) 9721526 France Sc C29-32 VFNH Set CV 324$ - 9721526 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - Listed as VFNH -- but were actually Mint HINGED!! Sent back faulty listed item. 
bjslark (buyer) 9718631 France Sc C16-17 VFNH CV 735$ RR Quality! - 9718631 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - Listed as VFNH -- but were actually Mint HINGED!! Sent back faulty listed item. 
bjslark (buyer) 9741046 Canada Sc 17e F-VF CV 800$ - 9741046 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9741045 Canada Sc 17bvar(2) F-VF HiCV Perf 12x11.75 - 9741045 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9740869 Canada Sc 79 VF NH CV 900$Cnd - 9740869 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9740634 Canada Sc 139-40 F-VF NH CV 250$Cnd - 9740634 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9740611 Canada Sc 302 VFNH Fishery CV 400$ PBK4 - 9740611 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9740176 Canada Mint NH Sets LOOK! - 9740176 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9740113 Canada Sc 107 VFNH BK4 CV 360$ CENTER! - 9740113 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9739299 Canada sc 119 FVF NH high value - 9739299 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9738123 France Scarce Mint NH/LH Fresh! LOOK! - 9738123 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9738114 France Superb Mint NH/LH Fresh! HiCV LOOK! - 9738114 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9738107 France Scarce LOT NH Fresh! - 9738107 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9737818 France booklets nice selection see description - 9737818 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9728423 France Sc 253 VF LH OG CV 275$ - 9728423 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9728305 France Scarce LOT Mint/Used 1917/27 - 9728305 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9724546 France Sc C22 VFNH Pair CORNER LOOK! - 9724546 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
bjslark (buyer) 9722451 France - Special stamps (gutters) LOOK - 9722451 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - 0K 
gcrotty (buyer) 9744509 Russia nice BOB - 9744509 positive  August 21, 2019 
feedback - No problems 
gcrotty (buyer) 9744430 Russia Collection Used 1948/49 Fresh! - 9744430 positive  August 20, 2019 
feedback - No problems 
HARRYG (buyer) 9741654 BELGIUM...1938/49FVF MINT LOT - 9741654 positive  August 19, 2019 
feedback - Stamps look great....thanks 
HARRYG (buyer) 9736899 SAMOA #-4, 8. MINT used NO GUM GCV - 9736899 positive  August 19, 2019 
feedback - Stamps look great....thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9643228 GB mint lot gen NH LH - 9643228 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9640226 France 1944/45 NH/LH Fresh! - 9640226 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9637747 Germany Bonhomme Carnaval NH Sheet! - 9637747 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9637718 Belgium Scarce Mint LOT - 9637718 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9637717 Belgium Scarce Mint LOT - 9637717 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9636878 Bayern bob page FVF U H - 9636878 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9636853 Germany early years 1923 page FRESH h - 9636853 positive  August 18, 2019 
feedback - All good - many thanks 
pastorblack (buyer) 9743654 Rhodesia Scarce Mint LH QEII 1966 Set to 1£ - 9743654 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9743335 Germany Sc B90,102,105 VFNH HiCV WOW! - 9743335 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740974 Germany B320-B323 VF NH - 9740974 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740973 Germany B314-B315 VF NH - 9740973 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740972 Germany sc 669 LH - 9740972 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740971 Germany - 667-668 NH, B309 VLH - 9740971 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740970 Germany - B310-B313 VF NH - 9740970 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
pastorblack (buyer) 9740969 Germany - 665-666 VF NH LH - 9740969 positive  August 17, 2019 
feedback - Thank you very much - these stamps were first rate and the plastic covered packaging is brilliant as it was raining heavily when these were delivered but the contents were perfectly dry despite the envelope being exposed to the rain. I am a very happy tra 
Cumulative Current Rating: 148097 (99.45%)
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